She was always "Sarah C." I'm not sure why, as I don't remember there being that many Sarahs around, but Sarah C. it was. :o)
She's now married so she's not Sarah C. anymore, she's Sarah W., married to Terry W., with a little boy Bennett W. and Baby W. on the way sometime late August.
Sarah has been one of my best friends since we were 12 years old. TWELVE. That's 17 almost 18 years. Crazy! She's just a peach. We went to elementary school together too, but we were never in the same class. That, for whatever reason, prevents kids from getting close. If you're not in my class you must not be cool. :o) Anyways, I remember very clearly the day we became friends. We were in 6th grade, and after lunch she handed me a note. I read the note. It went something like this: "Your dad is dating one of my mom's best friends." And some other stuff, of course. It was shortly after my dad met Sandy (my now step-mom), and Sandy worked with Sarah's mom, Kaye, at the Hayward Hospital. They were really good friends. And so, we started hanging out more and more. There were a couple of years, our 7th and 8th grade years, that we were pretty much inseparable. We've had many, many, many good times, some bad times, but every one of them memorable. I could go on and on, and it would take all night.
Sarah came down today to do some shopping, mostly for the baby who's going to make it's arrival soon. Her mom came along too. We went to Target, then to Texas Roadhouse for lunch (Kaye's treat--nice!), then to Mill End Textiles (believe me, I didn't purchase a single thing there!), and then they dropped me back off at home. It was so nice to see her. I wish we saw each other more often. Thankfully we're able to e-mail almost daily...while we're hard at work, of course.
That's all. Just a little shout out to Sarah! She used to read my blog, not sure if she does anymore or not, but it doesn't matter. I still love her just the same. :o)
(The picture is from May, during the annual "Mudder's" Day 4-wheeler ride. Nevermind the dirt on my face!)