I thought we were having a lovely weekend. Cait had a couple of girls over Friday night who went home Saturday morning. We were out in the yard picking up sticks and planning some projects. The sun disappeared behind clouds and it got a little chilly so we cleaned up and came inside. I threw in some laundry and just kind of pattered around. Came down to switch the clothes and OH SHOOT!!!!!!!! The floor drain backed up in the basement. :o( The same thing happened the day after we moved in...oh great! It was Reddi-Rooter to the rescue that time. This time I called Roto-Rooter. I heard he doesn't cost as much. What a bummer. $165.00 later I found myself scrubbing the basement floor with bleach water. By time I was done I had a monster headache so I took a bath and called off making dinner. I made myself a PB&J, Cait had waffles, and Jason had some ground beef mixture. I watched "Dan in Real Life", pretty cute movie, then went to bed. Today I'm working on the aftermath of the drain explosion...putting things back in the laundry room, finishing the laundry I meant to do yesterday. I've also got cleaning the litter box on the slate today. Sounds like a fine day, doesn't it?
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