Saturday, October 13


Wow! I just had to write this one down. When we moved into our house in June, the man who lived here previously left a bunch of junk in the garage. He thought we might be able to use it. (Yeah right!) It was miscellaneous lumber and some gutter pieces. Basically junk, not enough for any one project. We always joke that "it came with the house". Appliances "come with the house", little pieces of boards and gutters do not. Anyways, we need to get our garage cleaned out so we can actually park our cars in it so I posted all of this stuff on Freecycle. Someone responded (I always work with the first person that replies), and I told them the stuff would be in our driveway by 10:00 a.m. today. I had to run an errand and by 10:26 when I got home they had EVERTHING loaded and were on their way. Bless their hearts! I figured they would come and pick through it and take what they wanted and leave the rest. Nope. They took it all. Yay for Freecycle!


Karen said...

LOVE Freecycle! I got rid of several garage sale leftovers using it. :) Have you ever received any freecycle goodies?

Vicki said...

No, I haven't received anything. There have been a couple of things that caught my eye (just yesterday someone posted a "shop light", one of those tall, bright lights for in garages or workshops and before I could reply she'd posted again that is was takend). I haven't asked for anything either, until today. I asked for a football helmet--Cait and one of her friends are going to be football players for Halloween. :)