So I'm at work today, and every now and then I check in on Cait's stuff...Edline has grades, the school website has announcements...MyLunchMoney.com shows me what she had for lunch the last few days...MyLunchMoney.com also shows me the balance in her lunch account. THE BALANCE IN HER LUNCH ACCOUNT IS $.15!! OH NO!! I looked at the clock quick, 11:20 a.m., maybe she hasn't eaten yet?!?! I quick flipped back to the school website to grab the number, then while I was calling I flipped back to MLM.com to transfer funds to her account. Come to find out the 6th graders already ate. So, I thought maybe the $.15 was AFTER she ate. Nope, because it was updated yesterday. The person I talked to said if she was short $ she would be able to go to the office to get a ticket for hot lunch, and then we'd pay the office back. Sounded good to me. The poor thing, when I got home from work I asked what she had for lunch (you know, nonchalantly, like any other day) and she looked at me and said "I didn't eat." OH NO! I felt horrible. She didn't know she had the option of going to the office to borrow lunch, so she didn't eat. Ugh. Today was one of those I-feel-like-a-bad-mom-but-I-know-I'm-not-and-it-was-an-honest-mistake days. (I just checked MLM.com, and my transfer has posted. She'll be able to eat tomorrow. :o(
1 comment:
Poor kid! Maybe she mooched off of someone else. :)
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