I guess it's not the weekend anymore, is it? It sure was nice to have 4 days off from work last week (Wed.-Sun.). And it was hard to get back in to the swing of things Monday morning!
Last Wednesday evening we went to Waupaca to visit with my mom's family. It's always nice to see them. We don't get over there too often, even though it's only 2.5 hours away. We had a delicious dinner Thursday evening and then drove home with our bellies busting out from all of the good food.
Friday morning Critter and Brandy did the "crazy shopping" while Cait and I (mostly Cait) watched their kids. I would rather watch 10 kids than shop on Black Friday! (No, they don't have 10 kids...I'm just saying.)They left Saturday afternoon just as I was getting a migraine. :( That kept me down all of Saturday and most of Sunday morning. Saturday night Jason and Cait went to the Blugold women's basketball game while I rested. It was quite peaceful.
Sunday we just hung out at home...did laundry and a little house work. Caitlin went to see Deck the Halls with a friend Sunday evening. Late Sunday night, actually it was early Monday a.m. Cait woke up ill. She puked a lot then went back to sleep. :) She felt okay Monday morning and wanted to go to school so she went on her merry way.
Yesterday Cait had rehearsal for the school play after school but after I picked her up from that we were home and after dinner we planted our butts on the couch. I was so tired!! I don't think I moved in my sleep last night, not a once.
This week at work I'm filling in for a girl who is on vacation in Hilton Head, SC. I'd rather be there...but I'm here, and it's been pretty busy at work being that it's the last week of the month. The last week of any month is busy, even November.
Tonight Cait had rehearsal after school, then basketball practice. After b-ball we went to the grocery store...and now I'm tired again. :)
Off to bed!