Monday, April 24

Nice People

I was at Sam's Club today with Caitlin checking some prices on some things. Caitlin was standing in line at one of the sampler stations waiting for a mini taco and from behind me I hear "I like your blouse". I didn't really think much of it, but then I looked in front of me and there was Caitlin in a t-shirt, a man, and the sampler lady in a white shirt and white apron, and no one else in the near vicinity. And then I figured that whoever said that must be talking to me! So, I turned around and sure enough there was an older woman smiling and she said "It's really pretty". I smiled and said thank you. What really struck me about this is that it's not too often that a stranger pays you a compliment these days. Or says "thank you" when you hold the door for them, or just a simple "hello" or even a smile when you pass by. I almost didn't know how to react to this nice woman telling me that I had a pretty blouse on. Yikes! Maybe it was because my blouse really isn't that pretty? :) It's pink and black and white diagonal stripes. Nothing special. Anways, today's lesson is: When you pass a stranger on the street, pay them a compliment or give them a smile, it might make their day. "Hello, Friend."

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