Sunday, December 2

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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Yesterday afternoon/evening we got our first "real" snowfall. I haven't seen any official totals, but I'd guess it's around 5-7 inches in parts. I absolutely love the first heavy snowfall of the year. My favorite time is after the snow has ended, and its late at night when everything glows. Last night it was about 10:30 and I looked out side and just was so pretty! The snow in the backyard was so smooth and untouched...even without any outdoor lights, I could see clearly.
The not so pretty part of all of this is having to clear the snow away from the stairs, sidewalks, and driveway. Luckily, Jason ran into the daughter-in-law of our neighbor who passed away in September and she is letting us use their snowblower as long as we take care of the snow removal at his house too over the winter. Works well for both of us. She doesn't have to worry about it, and we can use a snowblower instead of shovels. His drive/sidewalks aren't as big as ours (ours aren't huge either), so it won't be too much of a hassle.
Today I cleaned, and I'm getting ready to pack up all of the fall decorations and get out my snowmen! I'm not quite ready for Christmas stuff yet...I'll wait and do that when we get our tree. But my snowmen can come out, and they'll stay until spring.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love the first big snow, too. It snowed some last night, but then rained all day, so now we have mush. That doesn't count. :)

By the way, LOVE your chipmunks selection!