Friday, November 9

When I am Bored...

I take self portraits! :o) AND, I figured out how to add the profile picture...YAY for me! On Tuesday, my day off, I styled my hair with a little flip. I knew I needed new pics to post here, something other than my wedding photo from over a year ago, so I whipped out my camera and started shooting! This is just one of the many pictures I took of myself. And no, I'm not that tan...I used the scene effects in the Kodak program. This one is called "forest". Not sure the forest I think of shade, but maybe it's supposed to be the sun showing through the trees...ahhhh...sounds nice, doesn't it? Too bad I was actually in my dining room! Hee hee...

1 comment:

Karen said...

Cute hairdo, Vick! Love the flippy look! And great job adding your profile photo. :)