Sunday, June 15

Happy Father's Day!

I called my dad this a.m. to wish him a Happy Father's Day...I love him dearly and miss him a LOT! Sometimes I wish he didn't live so far away, but I know he's very happy in good ol' Louisiana. Hopefully soon we'll be able to go visit them!

And Father's Day wishes go out to all the other dads that I know--Jason, for one, who's been a great step-dad to Cait; my Gramps in Waupaca; my brother, who is an awesome dad to my niece and nephew; all of my uncles who at many times treated me like one of their own; and everyone else out there who has taken on the role of dad in one way or another.

Sunday, June 8

An Anniversary

A year ago this last Friday we closed on our house! Time flies...hard to believe it's been a year already. It's been a pretty good year overall--nothing major happening with the house. A few minor repairs (leaky toilet, backed-up sewer drain, brokedown dishwasher and furnace) and few renovations (paint, new carpet). My next project is the bathroom...stripping wallpaper and replacing it with paint. I've started and am about halfway done stripping. Just need to find the time to get back in there! This spring/summer I've also been testing out my green thumb. Our perennials from last year (hostas and lillies) came up beautifully even though they didn't get planted until late summer. I visited a flower farm and picked up a few more things to plant.

Some perennials that I hope will flower later this summer, and some annuals that I've planted and hope to keep alive through the summer. I'll experiment a little more each year, I'm sure. Anyways, we're happy with our little house and look forward a at least a couple more years here. :)