Oops! Well I didn't do a very good job posting these pictures...I guess I should have posted each as an individual post. I'll describe them the best I can. You should be able to figure out which is which. There is a picture of the two of us at Gooseberry Falls in Two Harbors, MN. This was on the way back from our honeymoon. And there is a picture of Splitrock Lighthouse, somewhere North of Two Harbors, MN. We stopped here on our way to our destination. It's a neat part of history. Next is a picture of where we spent our short but sweet honeymoon at Caribou Highlands Resort in Lutsen, MN. No, we didn't have the whole house to ourselves, just a small portion of it, but it was nice and peaceful. AND!! We have a "Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lynn" picture!! YAY! This is one of the only pictures I have of the wedding so far. More to come as I receive them...And lastly is another picture from Splitrock. I like pictures of the landscape, and so, here we have a couple of Lake Superior cliffs.
Well the wedding is over and we all survived. I shouldn't even say it like that...makes it sound like it was hard. It wasn't. It was PERFECT! People always told me "something will go wrong, but you just have to let it go." Nothing went wrong! What are they talking about? Anyways, it was a beautiful day and everything went just as planned. I have not been sent any pictures yet so I don't have any to share, but I guarantee that as soon as I get some I'll get them up here!
On Sunday we left for our very short honeymoon to Lutsen, MN. It was a nice time and again, we had beautiful weather. I wish it were longer, but on the other hand, I was ready to come home yesterday. We drove from Lutsen to Hayward, about 3.5 hrs. yesterday afternoon. I dropped Jason off at his mom's. He ended up spending another night there. I picked up Caitlin from my parents house and drove the rest of the 2 hrs. home. I just wanted to be HOME. :)
Well I though I'd give a quick report. I'll post more details as the pictures come in. I'm off to get my hair cut...I grew it out for too long and it's time to get some style back. :)
5 days until the wedding! I'm all ready to go. I have all of my things packed neatly into a few totes, separated by category and where they need to go (church, reception, etc.) I have one more day of work left, and then I am off until next Thursday. Hallelujah! I'm almost more excited for the week off work than the wedding itself! It's been a busy couple of weeks. A lot of running and catching up. Why is there so much catching up when all you're doing is running? I always have been a slow runner... :) The weather is looking okay. It may rain on Saturday. I'm not so much concerned about the rain as I am the heat. Looks to be around 80, so not too bad. My parents rolled into town today from Louisiana. I'm glad they made it back safely and we are looking forward to seeing them. They've been gone since Easter! We're anxious to see everyone else that will be at the wedding too. A lot of family and friends that we haven't seen for some time. As the day draws nearer I get more and more anxious and excited. I've been waiting for this day for a looonnngggg time! I don't feel nervous--yet. We'll see how that goes as the next couple of days progress. Anyway, just thought I'd check in before the big event. I don't know if I'll be able to blog between now and then, but I'll certainly be back next week with pictures to share!
That's the Leader Telegram. Eau Claire's fine newspaper. We subscribe to the weekend editions, 2 papers, Saturday and Sunday. The weekday papers are kind of boring and who has time to read the paper during the week? And really, we (I) only subscribe to the weekend papers for a couple of reasons...Moments in Life (weddings and engagements), Court Report (because I'm nosey) and COUPONS. What else is the paper good for, right? ;) And more specifically, Michael's Arts & Crafts has a 40% off coupon in every other week's Sunday paper. That's a good deal, considering I've purchased a lot of wedding items at Michael's.
A couple of weekends ago I didn't get a Saturday or Sunday paper. I was out of town and Jason worked weird hours, but he didn't see the paper when he left or when he returned. So I called the customer service. They apologized, gave me a credit, etc., etc. Okay, I'm happy now. WELL...this a.m. I was up pretty early. I was doing dishes and sweeping and vacuuming. I took out the trash and the recycling. I saw my neighbor outside with her little boy and their dog. I came back in. I heard the newspaper carrier's dad's truck (it must be a diesel). Putzed around inside for a little bit longer. I peeked out my blinds to see if my paper was there and the neighbor lady was sitting on the step reading my paper. No big deal, I thought. I'll go about my business inside...she'll put it back when she's done, right? NOPE. She took my paper!! (But left the rubberband that was around it.)I was flabbergasted!
I don't know the neighbors very well. They moved in earlier this summer and keep pretty much to themselves. We do too. So I didn't have the nerve to go ask her for my paper back. Should I? Shouldn't I? Really, it's not a big deal, I could walk to the gas station 5 blocks away and get a paper. But it is a big deal! It's a matter of principle more than anything. I'd like to go over there and ask her for my paper and I would hope that she would feel ashamed and embarassed.
So I called customer service again today to ask them to hold our papers next weekend because we'll be out of town. I told her what happened and then I felt awful because she said that anytime a customer reports that they didn't get their paper the carrier is penalized. That means when I called 2 weeks ago and told them I didn't get my paper the carrier's check was docked for those papers when all along (I assume) it was my neighbor that had taken it. I'll have to leave him a tip tomorrow. I'll have to stand there and wait for him so the neighbor doesn't take the tip too! No, that's not very nice of me to say, but it just irks me.
Well I feel better now after letting this all out. Maybe I'll go ask for my paper back...
Where does the time go? It's been a while since I've blogged, mainly because we've been pretty busy, and partly because I haven't come across anything interesting to write about.
We're counting down the days...13 days, 19 hrs. and 22 minutes until the ceremony and I'm getting very excited. (I don't usually count down to the minute, just sometimes!)
Last weekend was my bridal shower in Hayward with my friends there. It was a nice time. We had a nice brunch and played some games and opened presents. The shower was at a park with a creek running through it. It was really pretty, and a nice day. After that we hopped on a pontoon boat on Round Lake and cruised around for the afternoon/evening. We docked at Famous Dave's (the original) for dinner-YUM!
On Wednesday a couple of girls at work threw me a shower over the lunch hour. That was a nice time too, and everyone was invited. I got a lot of nice gifts off of my registry, but several people went together and got me a wonderful gift--they got me a gift certificate for the shop that was doing the alterations on my dress. THAT was awesome! What a relief to not have to worry about that expense.
Today Cait and I are going to a bridal shower for a dear friend, Nikki. She is one of my bridesmaids. Caitlin and I are both in her wedding on October 7. Last night I got a steal of a deal on her gift at Target. She wanted these pillows that were $24.99 EACH. Fancy throw pillows, huh? Anyways, we printed off her registry and they were listed at $6.24 each. They were on clearance. I was determined to find those pillows!! We finally did, and there were two of them, just like she wanted.
And so, I'm off to get laundry going and run to the store. I'm making snickers salad for the shower today. Deeeelish! :)
Well...I'm 29 years old and have been married to my husband Jason since August of 2006. I have a wonderful 12 year old daughter, Caitlin. She keeps us on the go. Between Cait's activities, full-time jobs, and homeownership we keep prety busy. We're just plugging away at life, step by step, day by day.