Saturday, May 27

Whatcha Doin'?

Well the long weekend is finally here! I've been looking forward to this weekend since, oh, probably early January. It's the first long weekend after the Christmas and New Years holidays. And it's the first paid holiday! Yippee!!

They say this is the "official" start of summer. If they're talking about the temperature, they're most definitely correct! It has been sultry here the last couple of days and according to the heat is going to continue. Some will probably laugh at sultry, but for us in Northern WI it's down right HOT! High 80s the last couple of days and tomorrow is suppose to be in the mid-90s, and then 80s the rest of next week. I don't care for the heat whatsoever.

Another reason that people say it's the start of summer is because this is the first long weekend for people to hook up the campers and boats and head out to the campgrounds and lakes. That is everyone but us! We're not so much the outdoorsy type. We would prefer to take in a ball game at the Metrodome or visit a mall. Or just stay home, like we're doing this weekend.

Today I've been doing laundry all day. I told myself that when Jason went to work at 3 I would clean house. Nope. I've learned that if I'm going to clean house I have to get up, eat breakfast and CLEAN. Sometimes I even skip the breakfast part. I don't like to just clean here and there. I have a system that goes like this: my bedroom, upstairs bath, living room, downstairs bath, and finally, kitchen.I do it all at generally takes about 3 hours--depending on if I mop floors or scrub floors on my hands and knees. I prefer to scrub because I feel like the floor gets cleaner that way. The only thing I don't do in this usually-every-other-week ritual is clean Cait's room. I let her get it good and dirty and then make HER clean it, like she did today. :) Sometimes when she isn't home I go in and clean it like I want it cleaned. This usually ends with a couple of kitchen garbage bags full of "stuff". IMPORTANT stuff, you know. (According to a 9 year old who doesn't ever know it's missing). And so tomorrow is my cleaning day.

Monday all 3 of us will be home from work or school so it will be nice to hang out together. I'm not sure what we'll do. Maybe a picnic or a movie? We'll have to see.

Have a nice long weekend everybody!

Wednesday, May 24

Blogger Traffic

Does anyone know how to increase traffic to my blog? Do I need more interests, etc. in my profile? Do people search those when trying to find blogs to read? These questions are directed at you, Karen, since I believe you are my only loyal reader at this time. :) Or maybe I'm just booooring...but I don't think that's it. I just need to develop a fan base, right? Network network network. It'd be a lot more fun if more people left comments (hint, to those of you who may read but don't comment).

Monday, May 22

The "W" Word

That would be "wedding". I told myself that when I started this blog it wasn't going to be all about the upcoming event, but tonight I'm feeling the need to share.

First of all, WOW! I never imagined it would be this difficult planning a wedding. I told myself, and everyone who would listen, that this is going to be a simple wedding, not a big fancy to do. And I still believe it is a simple wedding, but every wedding has to have certain elements, be it big or small. So far I've got my dress and had an initial fitting. Bridesmaids dresses arrived on Saturday. The flowers (we're going artificial) have been purchased. The invitations are addressed and waiting for stamps. About 1/2 of the men have been measured for tuxes (c'mon guys!). The rehearsal dinner, church and reception site have been reserved. On Saturday we had our first pre-marital session with Pastor Jeff. The photographer has been reserved. (?) Do you reserve people? :) Our rings are almost purchased...Jason's is still on layaway at the jewelry store. I am burned out and there is still so much to do!

We have to get the ceremony music lined up, put the ceremony and program together, figure out who is doing what and when to help out with the details, get the flower girl basket and ring bearer pillow, get jewelry for the big day, get gifts for our parents and attendants. There are a lot of "gets" above, which mean $$. What an industry to be in--the bridal industry. These people know that us gals NEED these things, and so they price the items like we've all got wads of cash just laying around.

And the big day is exactly 89 days away!! (Thank you to for the count down.) I was feeling pretty good about being organized in the first few months, but now that it's only 3 months away the pressure is on! I am feeling completely frazzled. Every time I think about it I don't know where to start now or what to do next. Whew! Does anyone have any good, sound wedding planning advice?

Friday, May 12

Cap'n Crunch...Berries, or No Berries...That is the Question

So. How about you? Do you like Cap'n Crunch cereal? Do you like Crunch Berries? Or Peanut Butter Crunch (or whatever it is)? I just got home from work and was looking for a snack, and that's what I decided on. A bowl of Crunch Berries. Deeeelish! I like cereal in general, just about any kind of cereal. I don't, however, like any cereal with nuts in it or bran cereals, with the exception of Raisin Bran (two scoops!). As a kid I remember we always had Cheerios, Kix, and Rice Krispies. None of those "sugar" cereals. I also remember that Granny always had Lucky Charms in the cupboard underneath the counter top. I liked to eat breakfast at her house! :) We tend to have a variety of cereals around...anything from Corn Flakes to Fruity Pebbles. As a grown-up doing my own grocery shopping and deciding what kind of cereal to buy for the family, I've found that in general, those "sugar" cereals aren't as horrible as our parents made us to believe. This is backed up by my one or two (or twelve) takes on the Weight Watchers program, where Crunch Berries and Lucky Charms are pretty close in points to Cheerios and Corn Flakes. Not much difference in nutritional values, but some. Anways, that's my rambling for today. Not much of anything, if I do say so myself.

Thursday, May 11

Happy Birthday, Crit!!



I know he probably won't read this, but his wife might, so she can tell him what a wonderful sister I am!

Have a super day, Critter! Love ya!

I'm Back

I've been summoned to return to blogging...